Monday, 13 August 2012
- Tonight’s WWE RAW opens up with the new intro video. We’re live from the American Airlines Center in Dallas, Texas as Michael Cole welcomes us to RAW. He’s joined by Jerry Lawler.

*CM Punk vs. Big Show

Show hits Punk with a big sideslam and goes to the top. Punk kicks him down and springboards in with a clothesline. Punk with a 2 count. Bryan rushes the ring and attacks Punk for the DQ.
Winner by DQ: CM Punk

- After the bell, Bryan applies the No Lock on Punk and won’t let go.Show takes advantage and drops an elbow on Punk while he’s down. John Cena runs down and clotheslines Show out of the ring. Bryan attacks Cena but gets dumped out to the floor. Cena cleans house as Punk looks on. RAW General Manager AJ Lee comes skipping out to the ring. AJsays Daniel is clearly still dealing with anger management issues and he will make it up to everyone for ruining this match. AJ announces Bryan and Show vs.Punk and Cena for later tonight. AJ skips away as Cena and Punk argue in the ring.

- Still to come tonight, a contract signing between Triple H and Brock Lesnar. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and JTG is backstage with Kaitlyn. He’s complaining about not being able to get a match on a three-hour show. AJ walks by and wonders if he’s trying to say she’s not doing a good job. JTG gets quiet now as AJ questions him. AJ tells JTG to get to the ring now and she will find him an opponent. He walks off and she’s left with Kaitlyn. She asks if Kaitlyn thinks she’s unstable. Kaitlyn can think of many words to describe AJ but unstable isn’t one of them, she says.

JTG waits in the ring and out comes his opponent.

*JTG vs. Ryback

Ryback slams JTG’s head on the mat a few times and drops him with a big powerbomb. The crowd chants Feed Me More as Ryback gets ready. He nails the big clothesline and then hits Shellshocked for the win.
Winner: Ryback

- Cole announces that Roddy Piper is here tonight and fans will be able to vote on Twitter their choices for a Piper’s Pit guest. #Y2JPit is for Chris Jericho, #MizPit is for The Miz and #DolphPit is for Dolph Ziggler. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Santino Marella vs. Antonio Cesaro with the United States Title on the line is announced for the SummerSlam pre-show match.

- WWE Hall of Famer Roddy Piper is backstage rambling. The camera pans and we see Shawn Michaels in there with him. They do a bit and Shawn takes a phone call. It sounds like he’s talking to Triple H, who apparently is stuck on a flight. Shawn says he needs to be here because it’s not Shawn’s fight. Shawn hangs up and looks worried.

*Heath Slater vs. R-Truth

Slater works Truth over and keeps him grounded on the mat now. Truth ducks and comes back with a clothesline and a face plant for the quick win.
Winner: R-Truth

- After the match, the music hits and out comes Darren Young and Titus O’Neil. Truth fights them off but gets dropped by a big boot from Titus. Truth gets double teamed now by the #1 contenders, who get their title shot at SummerSlam. It was mentioned earlier that Kofi Kingston is on tour overseas. They celebrate as we go back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see some Tout videos from Mark Henry while he was in London for the Olympics.

- Cole and Lawler plug DJ Pauly D, who is tonight’s Social Media Ambassador. They go over some of his tweets about tonight’s show so far.

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Teya Salat